Somatic trauma healing,  trauma sensitive yoga and mindfulness meditation in Lismore

Using the wisdom and support of your body

to thrive

A traumatic event or overwhelming period in your life can have a big impact on how you relate to yourself and others.


Trauma happens to you, but it often feels like something is wrong with you.

Why is it so hard to be fully present, to have energy or to feel well and be yourself?

Because trauma keeps you hostage in the overwhelm of the past and worried about the future.

i love myself somatic yoga

The good news is that you can change this in the present moment with the help of somatic (body-based) practices.

inner resources

More than talking

Talking about a traumatic event or an overwhelming period in your life can be very helpful. But research shows that talking about it is often not enough to resolve prolonged stress or trauma.

Your body needs a voice and a listening space too. It is your body that holds your experiences, and your body can also provide the support you need to be able to let go.



There is more and more evidence that somatic practices are helpful to feel, release and integrate overwhelming experiences in the present moment.

Trauma sensitive yoga, somatic experiencing and iRest meditation are evidence based practices that offer you ways to safely be with what needs to be felt, acknowledged, completed and understood.



People who did this work report feeling more present, alive and energetic, more able to deal with the challenges of life and more connected to themselves and others.

Private sessions, classes and courses

private sessions

Specific, personal, in dept.


Private sessions give you to opportunity to explore your unique nervous system responses to overwhelm and what supports your nervous system to find and trust the innate okness within you.

With yoga, Somatic Experiencing and iRest mindfulness meditation you can build a more resilient nervous system and more internal stability to deal with the stresses of daily life.

Weekly Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Just come when you can and feel like it


  Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) can offer you ways to safely explore sensations in your body in the present moment.

This empowers you to make decisions based on what you notice in your body, and can reduce the effects of trauma.

Meditation courses

Join a course and learn practices you can use at home


iRest mindfulness meditation is simple to learn and easy to practice by anyone, regardless of physical ability or experience with meditation.
You can choose to lay down or sit during the guided meditations. Once practiced regularly, iRest becomes a set of tools for life.

Resiliency workshops

To support communities or organisations 

Drawing on an understanding of prolonged stress and its effects, participants will explore and experience methods to use in everyday life for regulating their nervous system and integrating their experiences.

Upcoming Events

sam voltra

I’m Sam

PTSD made me live in fear.

Being a yoga teacher I naturally looked for and found body and mind focussed ways to heal from the overwhelm of my experiences.

Now I am very grateful to be able to support myself in life’s ups and downs, and support others in their recovery from trauma.

yoga somatic lismore testimonial 02